
Mapping is a marvelous way to discover cultural and scientific patterns throughout the watershed, as well as regional relationships. Data is gathered for each project in collaboration with neighborhood groups, non-profits, artists, and scientists.

  • K-12 School Eco-type Map: K-12 schools that have notable environmental programs or locations along riparian corridors. A 2014 Google Fusion Tables Map by Trinity College students Shaina Lo and Veronica Armendariz with guidance from Professor Jack Dougherty
  • Blue-Green Map: Points throughout the West End that identify environmental characteristics of backyards, lawns, and institutional landscapes. Developed with support from the West End Civic Association.
  • City as Living Laboratory: (CaLL) A walk along the North Branch of the Park River at the University of Hartford.  The walk highlights how campus infrastructure impacts watershed drainage to the riparian corridor. Information gathered for a site specific installation by the artist Mary Miss during the 2011 Park Water Arts Eco-Arts Festival is included.